Monday, July 14, 2014

Waitergate: The Cavs (Possibly) Have Their Own Deep Throat By The Name Of ‘Cavs insight’

Ok, so before I begin, let me say the following: I only made this blog post for the Watergate play on words in the headline involving Dion Waiters. You guys have no idea how proud of myself I am for it (sad I know, but such is a life I live).

Anyway over at the CavFanatic forums, a poster going by the name of  ‘Cavs insight’ had the following to say in a thread about Kevin Love (click the screen shot to read it):

Obviously, this being the Internet and all, I don’t think this is true. Even if the trade happens and it is Love for Wiggins, I don’t think ‘Cavs insight’ pulled a Snowden by leaking information. Now you every right to take what ‘Cavs insight’ said to heart, but I suggest taking it with a big grain of salt, and then finishing off that grain of salt with a big gulp of salt water.

That said, if we come to learn that someone in the Cavs front office gets fired and that person also previously worked for the Pelicans… well then maybe ‘Cavs insight’ is as insightful as he says he is.

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